Saturday, May 3, 2008

Monday Night Deeksha

Bhagavan defines suffering three ways,

1. Physical suffering.

2. Psychological Suffering which is the anger, hatred, fear, jealousy, insecurity, craving for love, grief, etc.

3. Existential or spiritual suffering which is loneliness, boredom, sense of meaninglessness, illusion of separate existence. It is the sadness of a dream realized, the pain in your heart as you embrace your lover, wondering why you feel so separate and cannot seem to merge into the other person.

If you look very closely at psychological suffering it is simply what occurs when things are not going our way. "My dog died. I am suffering because I wanted him to live forever." "My mother loves my brother more. I am suffering because I want to the the apple of someone's eye." Some people died at the peace march because it erupted in violence. I am suffering because I wanted it to be a beautiful event. It was not supposed to be that way." "Some guy pulled out in front of me then flipped me off, I am angry because I wanted to go first and should be respected not insulted."

and so on.

Take a very close look a the examples above and see if you can see the desire that is behind the suffering. Can you see the common denominator -the word "want." It is tied in with the oldest and fiercest battle that mankind wages,: The conflict between what we are and what we want to be.

In generally the more industrialized the nation the lower the tolerance is for physical suffering. You pick up a phone and someone brings food. You do not have to trouble yourself with cooking. We have central heating and air conditioning so we are always comfortable. We have straws that bend in the middle so we do not have to strain to lift our glasses of coca cola.

We have created an outer-world paradise and an inner world hell because for the most part we can not face suffering. What we call suffering is merely running from suffering. Managing our sorrow. If we had ever just once sat with the sorrow and experienced it fully instead of explaining it away, taking a pill, going to the gym, eating something, reading a book, talking to a friend about it, plotting or seeking revenge we would have been free of it once and for all.

There is an Indian story of a man who is being chased by a tiger. He jumps into a pit.

"Thank God! " he thinks. But there is a viper in the pit.

He sees a vine hanging over the edge and grabs onto it and climbs away from the snake. How happy and loved by God he feels, as he hangs there between the snake and the tiger. Soon there is a funny sound and he looks up only to see rat gnawing away at the vine. The snake is waiting to strike. The man looks up to see the tiger is still there , growling and pacing around above the pit waiting to consume him. Just then a drop of honey falls from a tree right into his mouth. He tastes it, smiles and says, "Ahhh how sweet life is."

Think of this story the next time suffering comes and you begin to run. What is your honey drop? Is it food, shopping, the internet, beer, pills, going for a walk, to the gym? Maybe it is deeksha. How is it that you run from suffering? How do you manage your sorrow? What is it that takes your attention away from the tiger? If the toilet in your house had backed up and there was a horrible smell would you just stay away or try and explain it away?

Just see the suffering and the desire to run from it and the next time suffering comes try to sit with it for three minutes only. Feel it burning like a hot coal in your throat. See what it does to your physical body.

When the anger comes see how upset you are getting because you are not getting your way. Because you cannot (nor will you ever be able to) control the moment.

The Deeksha was never meant to become a form of sorrow management. It is part of an ancient triad of enlightenment consisting of sadhanas such as yoga and meditation. Sutras or wisdom and deeksha.

While deeksha gives a feeling of bliss is rarely annihilates the often nightmarish task of confronting one's self. The seeing what is there.

If you are using deeksha as a 'honeydrop" merely to manage you sorrow it can be like any other addiction. There are some that will run to every deeksha gathering in town.

Eventually when this Deeksha-this seed of enlightenment starts to grow and you are faced with what is there as you are lead from unreality to reality, the images you have created begin to crack and fall away and the illusion of security is annihilated.

"Deeksha is to blame!" some will bellar and you will run to some other form of energy attunement guaranteed to negate the "ill effects" (the Awakening to what is truly there as opposed to what you wanted to be there) of Deeksha. So many pay for this profound Awakening and when it comes there is psychological suffering because because it was not the way they wanted it to be and they run once more.-like spiritual window shoppers.

When a security shatters it can be agonizing. Just think for a moment when you found out about the unreality of the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus in whom you had taken some security.

Look what happened when the stock market crashed. The pain was so great people killed themselves. An insecure being is among the most dangerous on the planet.

Just be very aware that you will eventually awaken to what is there not what you want to be there and if you can see you are suffering because things are not going the way you want them to, it will help you. If you take that suffering and cradle it, embrace it and nurture it like a child you have created it will help you more. What mother would run away when the baby has soiled itself and is screaming for attention? Yet that is what is occurring.

It would be very good to decide here and now if you are indeed seeking an Awakening. higher states of consciousness, the annihilation of suffering in your life, the perfection of relationship or if you are seeking in your heart of hearts another way to manage your sorrow. Because with Deeksha you will begin to Awaken to whatever is there.

All that is necessary in this profound inward journey is some courage and authenticity.

Level of consciousness is merely the ability to experience reality as it is. The senses are experiencing what is there rather that what you wish or think was there. If the emperor is naked what can we do?

In order to be free you only have to see.

So tonight sit quietly. The sadhana or yoga that will help you the most is to just watch your breath. Do not follow it into the body merely watch it at the nose or the mind will wander. Again there will be deeksha at 8 for the Laughing Buddha and the Oneness Blessing starting at 8:15.


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