Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Oneness and the American Revolution

On June 12, 1775, shortly after the battles of Concord and Lexington, General Gage, who was the Commander in Chief of the British forces in the American Colonies, declared martial law in Massachusetts. All who laid down arms were to be pardoned with the exception of Samuel Adams and John Hancock who were to be captured and taken to England to stand trial.

On that very same day the Second Continental Congress called for a national day of prayer and fasting that was to be held on July 20, 1775.

Southern historian and physician, David Ramsey described the sacred event: "It was no informal service. The whole body of the people felt the importance, the weight and the danger of the unequal contest, in which they were about to engage; that everything dear to them was at stake; that a divine blessing only could carry them through it successfully."

He also wrote: ".....the time to part being come, the governor of the Universe, by a secret influence on their minds, disposed them to Union. From whatever cause it proceeded, it is certain, that a disposition to do, to suffer, and to accommodate, spread from breast to breast, and from Colony to Colony, beyond the reach of human calculation. It seemed as though one mind inspired the whole."

The Colonies did not get along. They were comprised of a diverse population of nearly 3 million people from countries that had been at war with each other for centuries. Yet they eventually went on to defeat the mightiest military power in the world.

The Continental Army did not have adequate food, clothing or supplies. They were not paid and were purely volunteer. The Colonists did not want to fight this war. The war was imposed on them not by the British,  as some might say,  but by Heaven above.

The Colonists had been practicing Christian Principles of Self Government for over 150 years. They did not view a monarch or a government as Sovereign. The men and women of the American Revolution had long since awakened to the the true source of force and power. This only comes when God is held as sovereign in the heart.

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