Dogs can change your fortune-you can adopt a dog and have a shift in finances.
Kaala Bhairava, a manifestation of Lord Shiva, is the God of Time. Feeding and taking care of dogs is a way of showing devotion. If you do this well time will be on your side. You will always have time to do what you need to do.
I have experienced a amazing shifts in time since getting my own dog, a mixed breed who showed up, hungry and bruised at a machinery shop in the desert as a puppy. She has a little head, a big round body, thin legs, a bristly squirrel ticked coat, yet her head is as soft as velvet. On her front leg is lightening bolt scar from learning about rattlesnakes the hard way.
I was not looking for a dog when she came to me. She was in need of a home as the shop where she lived was closing. I am very fortunate to have her and will say she has brought me luck and the most valuable thing of all- Time.
I thought I did not have time to take care of a dog, but since she moved in there has been more time. And money. I have observed it is very beneficial to feed and take care of your dog very sacredly (meaning "with purpose") and respectfully. Serve him or her as you would tend to your alter or a welcome guest and miracles will happen as the love between you grows. If the realization is there that the dog (time) is serving you by being there, rather than the dog owes you its keep, that is when the miracles start. To take an animal in an not treat it well-to chain it to a post or abuse it may have the opposite effect.
I have particularly noticed that for the most part, even if I leave for the airport or an appointment late, I get there in plenty of time-against all odds. If I have allotted 4 hours for a task it is done in 1-2 hours. I am rarely tired or stressed, as thanks to the relationship with my dog, I always have enough time.
Last week I saw a homeless man sitting under a tree. He had a sign and a cup for money. He also had a big shaggy dog in very good condition. People (myself included) were actually pulling over and getting out of their cars to give him money and food. It's like that.
Visit your local shelter. Save a life that will ultimately transform yours.
Ancient Asian legends say that black and white cats bring good luck and fortune.