Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Free Deeksha-Sankata Chaturthi (Obstacle Removing 4th Waxing Moon) Nov 16, 8PM Phoenix Time

There are special days when Ganesh destroys obstacles for his devotees and ensures their well being. Nov 16 is a very special day for removing obstacles as it happens to fall on Kari Naal or a black day. This is a solemn day for contemplating karma, seeking forgiveness and repentance and seeking removal of these karmas.

I was torn this month between doing a special free event for Thanksgiving. An insight I came away with from my last retreat in India in 2006 was that suffering and gratitude cannot coexist. This seeing transformed my life.

We have a holiday every year devoted to gratitude. Yet most still suffer. Many complain that their parents slighted them, did not do this or that , that the world owes us, that we did not get some object and blame others. There is more focus on what is lacking than what is at hand. True gratitude has often been replaced with a sense of duty and guilt. That is easily turned around with a simple sadhana for seeing that will be taught later on.

You cannot pump gratitude into the heart. For the most part we are an ungrateful people. Rather than speak to you about gratitude and say some beautiful things about gratitude that the mind will create more "shoulds" and "should nots" from- to further add to the inner world hells of some, on the 16th the stars are right for contemplation and removal of karma that was committed knowingly. So we will look at some things that are not so easy to see and do something beautiful next month.

The intent of the Nov 16 meditation will be to give you the courage and authenticity to see what is there and remove a huge karmic burden once and for all.

The meditation is as follows:

1. Sit quietly at 6 and watch your breath. Watch it going in and out of the nose. If you follow it into the body the mind will wander. There is a connection between mind, breath, and kundalini. The breath is most in your control. If the mind still wanders focus on the right retina and watch the thoughts. If you do not have a right retina then focus on the right ear.

2. It is good to invoke Ganesh with the Mantra "Om Gum Ganesha Namaha" 18 times

3. If you know the Moola Mantra (either Moola Mantra ll or The Sacred at http://www/kosmicmusic.com ). You can chant it 7 times then ask for the courage and authenticity to See.

4. You can substitute Aum-make the ahh sound 3 times longer than the m sound- so it is ahhhhhhhhoooomm not ahhoooommmmmmmmmmm. If you extend the mmmm sound you may often either go to sleep or thoughts of the material realm will come to your.

5 Ask yourself this question: "Am I innocent?"

6. Wait for the response.

7. Then ask to see a time when you deliberately hurt someone. Really tune into the situation. It is very important that you see the self righteousness surrounding the situation as self righteousness is your primary obstacle to liberation. It can keep you from going to higher realms when you die and can keep you bound to the Ghost Path or spirit realm.

By self righteousness, I mean watch the way the mind explains the pain you caused. The karma you created. It may tell:: "Well he deserved it-who was he to speak to me that way?"

"Well she was not worthy of respect and needed to be put into her place."

"Well she would not listen to the truth so I told her lies. That is what she does to everyone else."

"I only gave her a taste of her own medicine."

"Well if someone does not believe as I do they are going to hell anyway so what is the problem?"

Once at a retreat several were weeping quite loudly. After some time a man and a woman left in anger. The woman called that night and said she was sorry she walked out, but the crying of the women was really getting on their nerves and her husband could not stand it anymore. She had been crying very loudly, and confused, so I asked her about it.

Her response was, "Yes. I was crying loudly too. But MY suffering is real."

Can you see the obstacle of self righteousness the above statements? Can you see the self righteousness in the pain that you have caused to others? You are well aware how hurtful it would be if someone would treat you that way. yet you did this to another.

What creatures have you thoughtlessly killed?

Even an insect has its life.

There is a story about a man who was walking in the woods. He saw two mice running side by side carrying a piece of straw. He threw a rock at them and it killed one of the mice. The other mouse began to run in circles. Round and round and round she ran, still holding onto the straw.

As he looked closer he saw that the mouse was blind. The other mouse had been guiding her with the straw.

Who else has this karma that you have created impacted?

6. Ask again: "Am I innocent?"

Just see it. Can you see the self righteousness behind the perceived self innocence-how easy it is to explain it away?

7. Then ask that the burden of karma and the obstacle of self righteousness are removed.

If you really look you may see that in most instances it is self righteousness behind all the karmas-these dangers that you have created for yourself. Those of you with the energy and courage to go further ask to see what is at the root of the Self righteousness.

If you can see it you can be free of it.

I will send deeksha from 8M-9PM.

Lastly, jJust know that for the most part we all have our crosses to bear. A very important question is: "Can you pick yours up and walk with it?"

Dharma Dharini

To register for the deeksha email: dharma @vedicshamanism.com with your name and Nov 16 Deeksha in the subject line.

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