Monday, September 15, 2008

War and Peace Dependently Arising

One night while meditating all night to experience the seeing of the dependently arising nature of creation, Acharya Ananda Giri (who was among the first of the children to attain enlightenment at Satyaloka) asked us to try and see if we could find anythng that is absolute in this dependently arising creation-to try and find one thing that stands alone, that is not relative or dependent upon another. In this we saw that indeed Life is relationship. Our very survival dpends on it. The seeing was amazing.

I saw that God and man as opposite ends of the same spectrum as are hot and cold. And that all is dependent or relative. I could find no absolute.

A later sadhana (spiritual practice such as yoga or meditation) was to ask ourselves if we could actually project non violence without projecting violence.

Insights were gained on why in towns were many are armed there is less crime. The fate of cultures that have attempted to perpetuate non-violence was more comprehensible.

It has since been an observation since that when there are large peace marches war and bloodshed appears to erupt if not at the march itself in another part of the world.

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