Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sept 3 Meditation with Deeksha Instructions


I am looking forward to connecting with you on Ganesha's birthday on Sept 3 at 9PM Eastern Time (6 on the West Coast and 6 in Phoenix). Following is the suggested meditation. If you only want Oneness Deeksha just sit quietly. No other action on your part is necessary. There is a 7 step summary outlined at the bottom of this message to make it easier. Detailed directions are below.

Ganesha is the remover of obstacles so first we will have an intent deeksha for the removal of a major obstacle-karma. Place your right hand palm up on your right knee. Hold your left hand (palm down) with your right hand so your hands are simply clasped, resting on the right knee. There is a chakra in the region of the right knee that is like a gateway for Divine Communication. Ask for all the bad karma-the dangers you have created for yourself in this lifetime and others to be removed. You may then ask for your loved ones.

Feel the lightness of being. See how the heart is warmed. Express gratitude,

Now we will chant the sound for Ganesha 108 times. The mantra is "Gum". So we will chant "Gum" 108 times focusing on the heart.

As group we will take the focus off of ourselves and work on the healing of mankind. It is a good sized and powerful enough group to have impact. The ancient definition of enlightenment is liberation from suffering. If you consider that ignorance is at the root of all suffering it is easier to make the connection. So bring the world into your mind. See it-how beautiful it is, how beautiful the heart of man is despite some of our actions. Feel the connectedness.

Take the intent and say aloud-"Please liberate all of the people in all countries of this Earth from suffering."

We will chant the following mantra with great focus: "Aum Ganadhyakshaya Namah."

This is among the most important of mantras for the healing of any group. We are aiming very high tonight. Those of you with personal health problems may find liberation in the praying for the healing of others.

Express gratitude to the Divine.

I will send the Oneness Deeksha starting at 9:15 and will be completed by 10:00.

In summary:

1. Sit Quietly and watch your breath.
2. Those who only want deeksha meditate until the deeksha starts at 9:15
3. Others: Clasp your hands as directed above on the right knee.
4 Ask for the removal of bad karma first for yourself then loved ones.
5 Chant "Gum" 108 times
6 Visualize the world and ask for liberation of suffering for all of mankind.
6 Chant Aum Ganadhyakshaya Namah
7 Express Gratitude

Also it is considered inauspicious to look at the moon on Ganesh's birthday so those of you who do Chakra Dhyana in the moonlight you may want to skip it this evening.

With Love,

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